Yesterday, after a morning of doing home errrands on my work leave, in the afternoon I visited PUP Grad School to request for a copy of grades and as i anticipated, I would have to go to different offices to request for clearance signature for my request. So I went to library, accounting and cashier. I am no longer used to lining up to pay for school but hey I'm in PUP its a norm. As they say PUP means 'Pila Ulit Pila'. I got tired lining up so I had toknene(quail eggs) and sago't gulaman for merienda and then took stairs to go up to my beloved org, Kalasag Christian Fellowship, the IVCF branch in PUP. Thank God I saw familiar faces and so I went in the tambayan room. They were having exec meeting for 2nd sem activities. It was a blessing to meet them and witness that they are continuing on to do the good work. I remember my college days when I would spend my breaktimes in the same room. Revisiting my old PUP brought back memories of happy college life. Many structur...
multiply.meannerism is now Annderthesun