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Showing posts from March, 2012

Why give thanks to God?

Why Give Thanks to God? or Why never doubt His love? I read Psalm 136 and listed reasons given by the psalmist. This helped me pray with a thankful heart. Hope it will lead you too. 1. He is good 2. He is the God of gods/Lord or lords 3. He is the ONLY who does great wonders a. Created heaven and earth 4. He who punished Egypt and saved Israel b. and everything in it (lights, day, moon and stars) a. Struck down firstborn of Egypt b. Exodus of Israel c. All the miracles in between (parting of the red sea) 5. He who led Israel in their battles and gave them victory a. Struck down great kings and killed them a.1 Amorites a.2 Og king of Bashan b. And those Kings surrendered their inheritance to Israel their servants 6. He who remembered Israel a. In their low estate b. freed from enemies c. provided for all creature 7. He is the God of heaven (and His love endures forever) This photo was taken in Dubai Mall. The Lord cares for all the creatures, much more His ...