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Showing posts from June, 2013

'Ugly' Crushes

Note: Post is for girls eyes only. Most girls would crowd on the handsome, boy-next-door, most-seen-male-endorser, big-hit-male type of celebrities. I am too. Some of my faves are Piolo, Xian, TJ Trinidad, Brad Pitt, Channing Tatum and Henry Cavill (this just in, yes Superman) BUT, I also have my eyes on the 'ugly'. They are the not-so-popular but equally 'appealing' and talented. They are often forgotten and unnoticed beside well-known female co-stars or personalities but to me these men got the 'IT'. Here's to some of my favorite 'ugly crushes' local and Hollywood: Tutti Caringal - TV Host, Vocalist and Drummer of 6Cyclemind James Marsden - Enchanted, 27 Dresses Mark Ruffalo - 13 Going on 30, The Avengers, Now You See Me Tutti Caringal (green frame), James Marsden and Mark Ruffalo PS. To my long-time Crush, in case you read this, of course no male celebrity (handsome or ugly) can match you hehe  

It has been a year...

Early last year, this was me in my daily office workplace. I couldn't believe it has been about a year since I left Nielsen. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made. I had the best career experience there not to mention the family and friends I've had inside the company. Five and a half years in media research was a grace from God. I am still amazed how I got the job, stayed and grew there. But, there is a time for everything. I knew I needed to go then and so things happened. Decisions made after another with much prayer and consultations. I am here now, free and in love (yey!). I'm still a researcher and a traveler by work and for play. To whatever comes next, God is my hope. He is my Good Shepherd.