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Showing posts from May, 2021

Morning Listening

Even before the pandemic, my mornings are filled with couple of listening, listening from God's word and some podcasts. It helps me quiet down from the noise of yesterday and more for the day ahead of me.  Allow me to share how the Lord have been leading me in my daily listening and I pray that this may also encourage you in your mornings. For God's word, I find variety helpful. It makes me excited and open to something new. I alternate devotional guide and personal bible study. On devotional guide, I have now the Day By Day The Excellent Wife devotional. From this devo guide I get to read topical bible verse, exhortation and a memory verse. Lately, this memory verse is like a balm to my mind and heart. It helps me to think gospel instead of selfishness or worry.     Another devotional guide I use sometimes is You will find here four options to do devotions but my favorite is 'Strength for Today'. This is also

Mind Set On Christ

Col3:1-2 Therefore since you have been raised with Christ keep seeking the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set you mind on the things above not on the things on earth. I am thankful of this memory verse. Eternal perspective changes everything in my head. I woke up light headed because I only had few hours of sleep. My period is out of schedule and I feel the blood flow is getting stronger. I want to focus on my self and what I feel.  The song Thank you for the Cross, points me to the love of Jesus who died for me. I am here thankful of the hope of eternity. I am here thankful of a life in Jesus, a life pursuing His will, a life pursuing the best life a man or woman could ever have in this world.  Instead of focusing on myself and lie in bed, I have work to do today. I have a husband to fellowship with. I have lesson to prepare.  Where will I be without the Truths of the scripture? Every day, every hour we need Jesus.