Last Thursday in Youth Workers cell, our pastor Kuya Lito started his exhortation with a question "Why should we be thankful?"
It's a very basic question but in truth a meaningful one to ponder about.
I thought that saying thanks to someone is common to all of us. We say thank you to the person in the jeepney who handed our payment to driver, we say thank you to our mothers for preparing a simple merienda and say thank you to the Lord for an answered prayer.
But why should we be thankful?
Answers from the group were given: "its an act of honoring God because He is the giver of all good things", "it makes us content (for appreciating every thing)" and "It's an act of obedience".
While all of the answers were correct, Kuya Lito led us to Psalms 92:1 "It is good to give thanks to the LORD And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;" (nasb)
After Youth Sunday last Jan. 31,2010 where we have seen the work of the Lord among the church youths serve in Ushering, Childrens Ministry, Prayer and Worship; our hearts should keep thanking God and singing praises that He made it possible because of Jesus Christ our Savior.
The psalmist testified it is good to give thanks to the Lord but yet we need to be commanded in 1Thes5:18 "give thanks in all circumstances" because honestly, i count myself here, often that the genuine thanksgiving to the Lord is forgotten.
I say genuine because yes we give thanks, say, for the food we eat or a safe trip going home, but sometimes or oftentimes the meditation of His work in us is somehow swept away by our casual or habitual act of saying thanks to Him.
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