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Showing posts from March, 2020

Information balance between Covid facts and faith

Ever since Covid19 news broke in January 2020, I have been monitoring the local and international news. Each morning we are tuned offline and online media to get the latest of what is happening. Currently, Philippines have 49 confirmed cases with 2 deaths. I had to take a pause and pray. Am I filling my head with news and then be filled with anxiety? Am I facing this crisis with faith in Jesus? Thankfully, I am reminded to open my bible, pray and also share to others that our God is bigger than any problems. I'm sure many are like me, bombarded with news that I tend to forget, how about the good news of Jesus? I like this blog from a pastor in Italy. A godly perspective in a dark situation. I choose to balance my information intake. Mark Oden said, The story of the Bible is the story of a God who entered a world infected with this virus. He lived among sick people, not wearing a chemical protective suit but breathing the same air as we do, eating the same food as we do....

Covid19 and Jesus

A friend shared two links to me this morning. Both are about thoughts about Covid19 from known Christian leaders. See links below: John Piper and Albert Mohler shared what I have been thinking about these past weeks, to understand God's will over the global spread of the virus. In my head, is this part of God's wrath in the end times? I am trying to recall, is there a prophecy that God will inflict many of disease so they would repent?  I can try looking up for bible verses but listening to the two links, I realized two key messages: Believe in God Life is like a vapor   Point 1: Believe in God In times of trouble our minds is the constant target of Satan to sow fear and doubts. Hearing this reminder is encouraging me to keep a mind that trusts in Jesus:    Piper said "Jesus has all knowledge and all authority ov...