A close friend died last night, not Covid-related.
My husband and I cried and just tried to comfort each other of this sudden event. It is even harder that because of the pandemic, you can't go personally to mourn with the family.
I found myself lead to prayer instead, particularly asking God for extraordinary strength and peace to the family. God is indeed sovereign and His timing is always perfect. I remember how the Lord comforted us in the family when my father died. We were grieving but there was peace that surpasses understanding. We just miss him a lot.
If you are grieving today, listen to what Paul said in Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
How can Paul say such a positive thing about death? Remember who he lived for, "to live is Christ". Are you also living for Jesus Christ?
Death is taboo to most people because of the uncertainty and sadness it brings. However, it's a reality and there's no way avoid it as all will eventually meet his/her Maker.
Like the writer of this song, he too lived for Christ. That is why he is able to write "it is well with my soul" after calamity in his life. He lost business from a fire and daughters died from shipwreck.
Our dear friend is in heaven with Jesus. He fought the good fight and finished the race. He lived a life honoring Jesus. Although we truly miss him, still mourning, death is gain. He is home now.
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