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I respect the president

I mean our president GMA. Many people asks, what if GMA dies, will she be mourned by as many people as President Cory? I can't answer that. But what I would want to say is that, the present President should still be submitted to, respected and not chided as God commanded us to submit to government leaders for they are given by God (Romans 13)

Yes God is sovereign even in a corrupt government like ours. Let us not give up in doing good, for God's glory. 


  1. one need not earn my respect... for me each person deserves another's respect. but respect can be lost. it would take a lot for me to lose respect. i respect all our past presidents. i respect erap and i even respect marcos... i don't know why i can't say the same for the current...

  2. In this country, we expect so much from people in power. What we don't realize is that change is society is largely a community effort.

    I'm not too fond of the President, I'm not a staunch critic either. But the fact that she's there (and not anyone else) makes her deserve our support—or, if it's too hard to give that to her, at least a form of civil respect. God appointed her for some purpose we may not understand right now.


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